Experience genuine hope and joy in this Christmas season
How can you experience genuine hope and joy in this Christmas season? A lot of things in our lives steal away the hope and joy we seek in this season. Natural disasters, a global pandemic and social discord dominates the news. The demands of family, holiday events and gift-giving turn Christmas season into a frenzied, frantic time. In contrast, if we are willing to let the ‘One’ behind Christmas draw us into the rest and stillness of this season we can enjoy the real hope and joy available in Christ.
The hope and joy of the Christmas message is so much richer and more beautiful than any other story ever told. Glory was wrapped in flesh and lived among us, so that we could be wrapped in righteousness and live with God. Jesus lived a perfect life so that He could be the perfect sacrifice for all that is wrong both in our own lives and in the world. In Jesus, we find the joy of believing. In Jesus, we find the substance of our faith. In Jesus, we know this to be a season of hope.
Some 750 years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Isaiah was inspired by God to write these words – ‘A child is born to us, a son is given to us, and authority will be on his shoulders. He will be named Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.’ (Isaiah 9:6) The Dove Investments team encourages you to let the awe and wonder of the Christmas story push away all the frenzy and bring you into the hope and joy available in Christ this Christmas.
If you want to create a little Christmas joy and hope in your home this issue of American Lifestyle magazine has you covered. It's filled with holiday inspiration, including seasonal decor tips, creative gift-wrap ideas to try, and tasty recipes to suit any gathering.
If there are any steps you desire to make with your year-end financial plan, please contact us. Dove Investments is here to help.
A Joyous Christmas to you and all your loved ones
The Dove Investments team - Tom, Rob & Jessica
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