Your values and your money. Powered by our solutions.


Your Values

Your values are the driving force behind everything Dove Investment Research & Management does. We will design a plan that reflects your values and respects your principles.

Your Money

Your money is our priority, and we treat it like our own. We view our fiduciary responsibility and stewardship of your money as the ultimate in trust, and act accordingly.

Our Solutions

Our solutions build upon both of these. We are an independent, faith-based financial firm that develops objective, personalized portfolios to strategically address your financial and personal goals.

Explore our blog

Rob DeKlotz |
January marks the turning of a page to a New Year. During our Annual Kickoff on Saturday, January 25th, at Navy Golf Course in Cypress, we will unveil this year’s theme – Growing in Hope.
Rob DeKlotz |
One of the most cherished images of Christmas is Jesus lying in the manger – the King of Kings, the Eternal One, the Savior – in the humblest of states: a newborn baby. Humility is a virtue our world deeply needs today. It begins as a gift from God but grows stronger as we intentionally cultivate it each day.

Our Process


Your priorities are our priorities. In the first meeting, we will get to know each other and what’s important to you. Here is where you will be able to see if we are a good fit for you. If you decide to move forward, we will develop a plan specific to your goals.


In this meeting, we propose strategies to pursue your goals and develop a solid game plan. We talk about meeting your plans, risks we may encounter and costs or fees. Transparency and clarity are emphasized.


If you choose to move forward, meeting three is where we will take the first steps to implement your individualized plan. From here on, regular meetings will be scheduled to verify your investments are working toward your goals. 

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